Guidelines    Editor Guidelines

As a SSM Journal's editor should take the responsibilities in order to improve the quality of the journal. We recommend advising and assisting to the journal to maintain the quality in publication.

Editor Guidelines
  • Suggest to the journal editor the submitted the manuscript is in the scope of the journal.
  • Suggest reviewers to the journal for reviewing the manuscripts in peer review process.
  • Suggest the journal about the quality of the manuscript like originality and plagiarism.
  • Editor should be active in the editorial board and advising to improve the publication processes in better way time to time.
  • Improve the quality of the manuscript peer review in new ways and technical developments.
  • Editor should maintain privileged communication and be treated as confidence and guard the identity of the author for the submitted manuscript for peer review process.
  • We are gladly considering your suggestions in order to improving the quality of the publication process to set high standards to the journal.
  • Suggest the researchers and reviewers in order to fulfill the publication guidelines.
  • Advise to the authors for submission of their manuscripts to the journals by personally inviting them as an author, assisting them for further processing.
  • Suggest the high standards by monitoring the peer review process to the journal.
  • Rewrite the content when necessary like spelling errors, grammatical errors, typological errors and syntax errors.
  • Suggest the submitted manuscript is acceptable or not for the publication in the journal.
  • Conflicts should be resolve for the publication.